Resonant Nutrition

Natalie Picchetti-Moos is the owner and founder of Resonant Nutrition. Her practice is rooted in the principles of functional medicine, which means she focuses on getting to the root cause of health concerns through natural means instead of trying to cover up symptoms. She works with everyone from those with chronic health conditions to athletes looking for sports optimization, and everything in between. Chronic health conditions can be complicated, they can stem from environmental inputs, impaired detoxification, diet, food, gut health, nutritional deficiencies, imbalance of hormones, immune system dysregulation, and stressed emotional states. Because health issues can be complicated, She is dedicated to thorough investigation, listening to your story, and coming up with creative solutions. For athletes, in her my experience, they walk a fine line of health and fitness. It's as important to put as much effort into maintaining their health and diet, as it is to training. With good health comes our potential to reach our optimal fitness, and good health starts with a good diet and the right nutrients. She specializes in athlete blood chemistry and looks for things that are often overlooked in the athlete population. She believes in whole food nutrition, making things from scratch, training yourself to cook with a busy lifestyle, everything in moderation, and supplementing to sustain and optimize your health. As far as food goes, if you can grow it, pick it, or kill it, you are good to eat it!

Read more about Resonant Nutrition and/or connect with Natalie to set up an appointment by visiting her website:


Nutritional Wisdom


Cathy Casey