Elixir for your goals

“I run to feel balanced, to feel strong!  Jenn and the rest of the Tonics team inspire and challenge me to keep pushing to be the runner I desire to be!  This is why I run!” Amy Rodriguez


Coach: Joe Ten Brook
LOCATION: North Austin (Anderson High School)
Group Meets: Tuesdays 6pm and Saturdays 6am at Rogue Downtown: 5:30 AM up to 16 - 20 miles / 6:30 AM up to 10 miles

COST: $85/Month *See payment details below



Jenn has been running for 20+ years, having completed 21 marathons including all of the Abbott World Marathon Majors in 2015! I love the camaraderie of being part of team both as an athlete and as a coach, pushing myself and others beyond our perceived limits.



Nurturing with a dash of drill sergeant and a sprinkle of woowoo. I believe in setting big goals and working to earn them. I also encourage athletes to acknowledging setbacks and unpack failures to learn what we can from them and move forward to make it happen.



We have all ability levels from all walks of life. This team is welcoming, encouraging and supportive. We push each other hard, celebrate each other’s successes and lift each other through setbacks and non-successes.

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It seems like yesterday, but I started coaching for Rogue 11 years ago. One of my athletes commented about using the workout to earn a Gin & Tonic, and other remarked that the workout was his tonic. In a bit of poetic justice, tonic is not only an elixir, that invigorates, restores, and refreshes, but also the key musical note providing harmony and completeness in a melody.  The name stuck . . . Rogue’s Jenn & Tonics.


*Monthly recurring payment begins the day of registration. Wait to register until the start date above. Once you register you will be billed immediately. Your on-going billing will occur the same day you registered each month moving forward. You can cancel at any time by logging into your account, click on your account on the bottom right-hand corner. Then, click on “view plan or cancel”. There is not an option to “pause” your membership.
COST: $85/month